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Ich Chuuvawve Teaching Fellowship

Returning Academy to the Garden


The word academy returns us to the gardens or groves in which Plato first held conversations or teachings. Our experience of the academy is long removed from and even in erasure of the garden, a place of sowing and tending what has been sowed. Though the human body is nourished by many knowledges, so many centers of knowledge exist outside of the human body. How can we avoid the extractive nature and reaping of knowledge? Let us instead think of our relationships of knowledge beyond the harvest and turn our attentions toward the relationships of “tending” and “caretaking.” 

This teaching fellowship is a collective imagining through the lens of the Mojave word and practice, “ich chuuvawve.” Ich chuuvawve could quickly be interpreted as a garden, however, it is an action and practice more than it is a place—“to place into the earth and to care for what grows there.” The guests who engage with us in the Ich Chuuvawve Teaching Fellowship are those who challenge traditional centers of knowledge, and who engage with “teaching” or “pedagogy” as practices of remembering the myriad ways of relationship, language, and energy necessary for our collective imaginings of any kind of freedom, in the abundant gardens of language, body, land, water and one another. 

CA Conrad, The Ancient Technology of Poetry & Ritual
Inaugural Fall 2020 Ich Chuvawve Teaching Fellow

CA Conrad will engage our students in a progressive class on “Rituals of Language,” and the ways our everyday acts—from sleeping enough, the food we eat, the ways we connect with the natural world—all affect how we form and express language. They will reconnect to somatic practices and rituals we often associate with the occult, which are also relationship of attentiveness and curiosity essential to our creative works.

This residency will occur over several intensive study engagements culminating in a public conversation about “ritual” as well as a performance and reading.

CAConrad is the author of the forthcoming book Amanda Paradise (Wave Books, 2021). Their book While Standing in Line for Death won a 2018 Lambda Book Award. They also received a 2019 Creative Capital grant and a Pew Arts and Heritage Foundation Fellowship, The Believer Magazine Book Award, and the Gil Ott Book Award. They regularly teach at Columbia University in New York City and Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam. Please view their books, essays, recordings, and the documentary The Book of Conrad (Delinquent Films). More information on CA's poetic practices.

Purchase While Standing in Line for Death or The Book of Frank

The Ancient Technology
of Poetry & Ritual

November 4, 2020 | 6-8 p.m. PST/AZ MST
Registration link will be available the week before.

A collective imagining of the Mojave word, “ich chuuvawve.” Often translated as a garden, it is an action and practice more than it is a place—“to place into the earth and to care for what grows there.” Our experience of the academy is long removed from and even in erasure of the garden, a practice of sowing and tending what has been sowed. How can we avoid the extractive nature and reaping of knowledge, moving beyond the harvest toward relationships of “tending” and “caretaking”?